Matt Caldwell
Administrative Officer

Matt Caldwell

Administrative Officer

An experienced financial manager Matt Caldwell joined the Indiana Federal Community Defender’s Office in 2016. In his role as Administrative Officer Matt assists the Federal Defender with the day to day operations and finances of the IFCD. Matt’s role is truly instrumental to the functioning of the office. He ensures that everyone we do business with is paid in a timely manner. His efforts on behalf of the attorneys and staff allow the office to run smoothly and  his responsibilities include everything from management of a complicated budget that includes two divisions and a national project, to filing an endless stream of reports to advise the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts of our efforts on behalf of indigent defendants. Rich in experience, Matt serves as the principle advisor for the Chief Federal Defender on financial and budgetary matters and handles with unflappable calm a fast-paced and extremely detail oriented position.

In his free time Matt enjoys spending time with his two beautiful daughters and wife and when they will allow it, a round or two of golf.


M.B.A. Accounting, Indiana Wesleyan, Marion, Indiana, 2009
B.S. in Management, Indiana University, 2006.
Six Sigma Green Belt


Indianapolis, Indiana